Appeals: Let’s Work Together to Prevent Road Accidents

Slow Down, Dad!

Understand road safety. Let’s give every child the right knowledge to prevent accidents.


We frequently hear news of school children dying in road accidents. In today’s world, new chapters by excellent authors are constantly being introduced in education, but the guidelines for a resourceful life and its safety information should also be a top priority. While today’s children are safely commuting from home to school and back in school buses, they must know how to walk on the roads safely. Unfortunately, regular education on this in schools is rarely heard of. As the use of two-wheelers and four-wheelers increases, it is crucial to prioritize teaching these young children the rules of the road to ensure their safety. Accidents happen to people standing on the roadside, and many in rural areas feel safe sitting or standing near the road. This is a misconception. With the increasing speed of vehicles, people often forget about their safety, leading to fatal accidents. appeals to all school administrators to conduct awareness campaigns and urges parents to follow safety rules, such as wearing helmets, so that their children can learn from their awareness. During the morning prayer assembly, schools should educate children about road safety rules. Both theoretical and practical knowledge should be imparted daily to children, young or old, to make them aware of safety and reduce accidents. Let’s come together to follow road safety rules.

Key Points:

It’s essential to teach children about traffic rules to ensure their safety on the road.


India has specific road safety rules for children. If taught from a young age, they can become responsible citizens and drivers. Every household should educate children about traffic rules from their early years.


What are the road safety rules for children?

  1. Children should be taught traffic rules at home from a young age. They should know basic safety signals and signs, such as green means go and red means stop.
  2. Children should be instructed not to stick their hands or face out of a moving vehicle as it can be dangerous.
  3. Teach children how to cross the road correctly, following the stop, look, and go rule.
  4. Children should pay attention to vehicle horns and sounds, helping them avoid vehicles coming from blind spots.
  5. Instruct children not to run on the road as they might accidentally collide with vehicles, causing accidents. Always walk on the left side.
  6. Children should use sidewalks or service lanes and cross the road only at pedestrian crossings. Explain zebra crossings to them.
  7. Never cross the road at a bend as fast-moving vehicles might hit them. Always use zebra crossings.
  8. Wait for the school bus to come to a complete stop before getting off. Stand back and cross the road only after the bus has left.
  9. Don’t open vehicle doors suddenly. This could cause an accident. Always look around before opening doors.
  10. Avoid dressing children in dark clothes at night as they are less visible to drivers and could get hit.
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